Seacoast Accountability, LLC

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Seacoast Accountability, LLC

Opening hours

40 Winter Street, Suite #308
Rocheter, New Hampshire 03867



Tax Review and Pick Up

. Duration:1 hr·. Price:Free

Tax Review and Pick Up - Simple Return

. Duration:15 mins·. Price:Free

Onsite Bookkeeping

. Duration:1 hr·. Price:$65

Client Location-Tax Review and Pick Up

. Duration:1 hr·. Price:Free

Staff Member


We provide affordable and confidential accounting and tax services geared toward individuals and small businesses. No business is too small to receive our individualized, personal service. Most of our clients are from the Seacoast NH area and we do travel to southern Maine, the southern Lakes Region, and Portsmouth.

Call today, or book an appointment online to take advantage of our Free one hour consultation. During the consultation, we will determine what your needs are and help to come up with a bookkeeping, payroll, QuickBooks training, or tax plan that will meet both your needs and your budget.

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